by Carlton Hughes, KCWC Planning Committee

The Kentucky Christian Writers Conference kicks off soon with a Meet and Greet on Thurs., June 20, 7:00 pm at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College. Check our home page for GPS directions and a campus map.

What can you expect at Meet and Greet?

First things first, it is an extremely laid-back event. As the name implies, you’ll be meeting and mingling with faculty members and fellow attendees in a casual atmosphere. You don’t have to wear fancy clothes, and you won’t have any official appointments. Come expecting to meet fine folks just like you—people trying to figure out this calling of writing for God. Come expecting to laugh a lot. Come expecting to indulge in some great refreshments. Come expecting divine appointments.

That night you will have the opportunity to do “pitch practice” with a KCWC committee member. Pitching your work is important, and we are pleased to help you before you have actual appointments later in the weekend.

Meet and Greet is your first step in the awesome journey that is KCWC. Enjoy the ride!


Carlton Hughes is a professor of communication at SE KY Community and Technical College. He has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and several devotional books from Worthy Publishing.