Hello Writers and Conferees. Is it really a guest blog post when it’s written by the blog administrator? Sure, it is. I’m just putting on my writer’s hat, so now I’m a guest for our conference blog. But I promise to edit myself as I do others. LOL.

Where from Here?

Guest Post by Crystal A. Murray

Another fantastic conference is complete, and now it’s time to pick up the new tools we’ve gained and use them. I’ve attended almost every event since 2002, and they get more inspiring each year. For me, though, I get the most inspiration from working behind the scenes. My desire to help other writers reach their goals is often stronger than my desire to work for my own writing dreams.

As a natural teacher and helper, that’s where I find the most energy. But this year, I feel different. Covid created a long period of my not being able to run our local writer’s group (Louisville Christian Writers), so I’ve felt less like their president and more at a loss of my purpose. Since we met in a hospital building, I doubt we’ll get back to in-person meetings until we find a new (free) location. That leaves me looking for new ways to be a writer’s helper; and I believe I can do that by setting a better example of working toward publication for myself. So, where do I go from here?

For starters, my 5 x 8 index cards arrived today, and they will help me act on the brilliant advice from Allie Pleiter on writing via the Chunky Method. (I already owned the book, but the class brought it to life.) I still can’t decide whether I’m a big-chunk or small-chunk writer, but I know I can do the small chunk of writing 100 words each day for 100 days using 100 index cards. Even better, I’m not doing it alone. A friend from the class ordered her own index cards. We will encourage each other to get those 10,000 words out of our brains and down on paper.

Now, where do you go from here?

  • You can join Mishael and me in the above challenge, or you can create your own challenge.
  • Use the business card exchange document to connect with other writers you saw in classes or fellowship times and create a new writing relationship—or two or three.
  • Post something about what you learned, liked, wanted more of, etc., on the Facebook group page to encourage others.
  • If you do not have it, get the current copy of the Christian Writer’s Market Guide (also available on Kindle Unlimited), and scan some markets for fresh places to submit your work.
  • If you plan to self-publish, sign on to Hallee’s Successful Christian Self-Publishing Facebook group to get information on your next steps and future goals as your own publisher.

One of the best parts of our virtual conference is having six months to go back and watch every class. Whether classes you missed while attending others, or some you want to re-watch for repeat direction and encouragement, you can watch any or all classes as many times as you like for six months from the conference end date. Please remember: the extended watch benefit is only for those who paid to attend the live conference. Do not share your password, or the videos, with those who did not pay.

So, let’s go from here in the grace and strength of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who enables us to do His will as we ask Him and follow Him. God had His plans written for us before we ever took our first breaths. May we write according to that plan, and may we find it a journey filled with JOY! (In case you missed it, our final keynote was a great message on JOY.)

Crystal has had big dreams since writing her first song at 7, and she believes what she has learned from KCWC over the years will give her the confidence to put her writing out to the world. She has articles in magazines and devotional compilations, a blog filled with Bible study, and a Flickr page with photography and colorful design, so the next step is to finish and publish at least one of her book ideas. Find links to her multi-faceted creativity on her page at http://www.crystal-writer.com.