by KCWC Blog Team | Jun 24, 2024 | General Info, Uncategorized
So, you’ve signed up for a writers conference? Great! And it’s your first writers conference? Wonderful! You’ve taken the brave step to register. Now comes the planning, packing, and expectations. Well, before you pour too much into those expectations (because, as...
by KCWC Blog Team | Jun 23, 2021 | General Info, KCWC Guest Post, Nonfiction, Writing Instruction
Hello Writers and Conferees. Is it really a guest blog post when it’s written by the blog administrator? Sure, it is. I’m just putting on my writer’s hat, so now I’m a guest for our conference blog. But I promise to edit myself as I do others. LOL. Where from Here?...
by Rhonda | Jun 5, 2020 | General Info, Writing Instruction
by Cherrilynn Bisbano KCWC and many other Christian writers conferences are either cancelled, postponed, or held online this year. However, don’t let this discourage you. Publishers and agents are still looking for great book ideas. Fifteen minutes is the usual...
by Rhonda | Jun 4, 2019 | General Info
by Carlton Hughes My first Kentucky Christian Writers Conference was in 2005. There I was, a teacher from Southeastern Kentucky, thinking I stood out like a sore thumb. What was I doing there in a sea of talented writers? I had dipped my toe into the choppy writing...
by Rhonda | Jan 18, 2019 | General Info
Have you ever been reading a book and noticed a mistake? Since I got my start in copyediting, I tend to notice EVERYTHING—a missing comma, a misplaced modifier, a misspelled word. Things like that “stick out like a sore thumb,” as we like to say here in the mountains....
by Rhonda | Jul 21, 2018 | General Info
A statement from the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference:In light of recent events surrounding allegations of inappropriate behavior against Taylor University professor and past KCWC keynote speaker and workshop leader, Dr. Dennis Hensley, and even though Dr....
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